Einstein once remarked “Everybody is genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Not every student’s competencies are accurately measurable in the way an education system could standardize. Many exceptionally talented and gifted students don’t cut it in the board exams due to various reasons. However it does not mean that they are: academically incompetent and hence do not deserve a second chance, should not get the best quality education that their counterparts are eligible for. SASE Governing Council decided to launch ‘Bridge Course’ for 2nd PUC failed/12th standard incomplete students an opportunity to complete 2nd PU/12th standard qualification without wasting a year, and progress to undergraduate program uncompromisingly. The number of admissions offered under Bridge Course Program is limited and offered on first come first serve basis.
SASE- System for Alternative Schooling and Education facilitates bridge course and credit transfer scheme to complete the 12th standard qualification from Northwest Accreditation Commission, USA. The 12th standard qualification by NWAC are fully recognised by the Government of Karnataka, Government of India, AIU, MHRD, COBSE and all other statutory government bodies in India.
Govt. approved Credit Transfer, Bridge Course, and On Demand Examination schemes to help academically challenged students
Bridge Course Examination coaching and mentoring of students to overcome their challenges at board examination
We prepare students to appear for failed subjects examination with confidence, and to pass the examination
Authentic assessments and evaluation based examination conducted by the board
It is not an unrecognised or unauthorised certificate from a private entity
It is not a program where 12th standard qualification is sold
Not a means to secure 12th qualification without writing the examination or by any other illegal ways
It is not a quick fix to obtain higher marks