Cutting Edge Tech

Enhancing Learning

Cutting Edge Tech

Enhancing Learning

Cutting Edge Tech

Enhancing Learning

"Tech gives the quietest student a voice" - Jerry Blumengarten

Cutting edge technology

Philosophically and in practice, SASE is a technology-oriented school which believes that tech can transcend and transform education. Our school culture and ethos encourage educators and learners to harness the power of tech to amplify learning experiences and achieve learning outcomes.

SASE enables children to use cutting-edge tech for their holistic learning and development. A range of tech is used from AI to Neuroscience.‍

Educational neuroscience

Educational neuroscience is an emerging scientific field that combines research in cognitive neuroscience, developmental cognitive neuroscience, educational psychology, educational technology, and education theory to solve many educational problems and understand the process of human learning. We believe in utilising insights from research in educational neuroscience to guide our educational practices here at SASE.

In the first years of a child's life, their brain development will create the foundations for all learning and development later in life. Children's minds are constantly evolving as they take in new information. The learning experiences in the early age group shape the development of neural pathways crucial to cognition, perception, emotion, and action. Specific pedagogy and curriculum based on educational neuroscience are integrated into the program at SASE to ensure that our children receive the most advanced and scientifically backed learning.

‍Artificial intelligence‍

At SASE, we integrate artificial intelligence (AI) platforms to give our students a more tailored experience while increasing their accessibility and enjoyment at school. In addition to its practice in school administration, AI is used in areas such as adaptive learning, simulated games, learning analytics, individualised assessment and feedback, and classroom management. A few of our AI-based educational tools provide continual feedback that extends beyond and into the classroom. This allows us to provide our students with an "Authentic Learning" experience. With this, AI can design courses specifically for each student. In addition, teachers will be available to assist and support their pupils when they ask for it.

Because we believe that a child's education and development does not take place solely in the classroom, we use AI to monitor and support the child's growth in the physical and emotional realms outside the school. As a result, our students are interacting with wearable tech and other AI-enhanced technologies in every setting with the collaboration of their parents.

‍Makers space

The maker space revolution in recent years has been led by the need for students to engage in hands-on problem-solving tasks. The idea behind Maker spaces is that humans need a place to tinker, build, explore materials and create. The Makers Space we have created for our students is a source of great pride. Our Maker Space encourages learners to work together, think critically, devise innovative solutions to obstacles, and exchange knowledge via a wide range of equipment, from the high-tech (coding, robotics, 3D printing, 3D modelling) to the low-tech (LEGOs, carpentry, art).

This module is designed to keep the learners' curiosity in STEM areas by encouraging them to apply theory into practice and see the wonders of scientific thinking, design thinking, and prototyping. With an emphasis on a trans-disciplinary approach, our learners appreciate the cross-pollination of ideas and develop a collaborative mindset.

Infinity lab

Teaching spatial awareness has been historically neglected in schools, math and science concepts have only been taught through textbooks. But research shows that children need visual and tactile experiences to truly understand and imagine  shapes. In addition, the ability to think mathematically and solve problems requires a wide range of skills, including spatial intelligence, which has been shown to develop more rapidly if stimulated early in life. Moreover, there is strong evidence that early exposure to spatial training benefits children, especially regarding their subsequent success and proficiency in STEM fields.

We've set up the 'Infinity Lab- A spatial playground' at SASE, where children are exposed to the ideas like spatial scaling, spatial visualizations, form perception, pattern generation, and more to better their own spatial intelligence. These exercises have been developed to be entertaining and interactive methods for your child to build their language and mathematical skills through play.


The academic community uses this capability to let students easily move between schools and keep their academic progress intact. Blockchain provides a more durable and flexible system for storing student credentials as they move from course to course throughout their secondary education and professional careers. Blockchain also allows personal data to stay unique to the learner. It has improved the safety and ease with which sensitive information may be transferred to the appropriate recipients. At SASE, we use blockchain technology to track students' academic history and seamlessly transfer their credits to their new schools.

Blockchain can be used to construct a balance to measure the learning process and outcomes. SASE has begun using this technology in formative assessments, learning activities, design and implementation, and recording of learning processes.

Transferring credits while changing schools can be a time-consuming ordeal. Thanks to blockchain technology, our learners' credits can now be seamlessly transferred. Learners' credentials, portfolios, metrics and other assessments are updated and transferred to other schools with an assurance of credibility through blockchain.

The future is bright

At SASE, we see a bright future in which technology, human development and progress are aligned. We want to provide an education that allows children to understand how to use technological resources for solving problems, living well, and furthering humanitarian goals. For this reason, we embrace tech developments in every area of our school- from campus to administration to the classroom. Our students will leave us with a seamless transition from their learning journey at school to a career using cutting-edge technology, STEM concepts or something new we have not even imagined yet.

Join us today to give your child a leg up in the cutting-edge tech world of tomorrow.